Wingsuit basejump below a highline

It’s not the first time we see a stunt like that but it’s always impressive !

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Video Urban highline festival 2015

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Kenny Belaey rides his bike on a highline

The video is all over the net, so we had to share it. Kenny Belaey managed to successfully ride his bike over a highline.


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World Slackline Marsters !

Jumpline World Cup seen by the famous YouTube channel “Worldoftomorrow” !! SICK !

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Hangover 2

hangover-s hangover2-0

The Hangover 2 by Slacktivity is out.

We were expecting new features, but there is not real change. The Hangover 2 is like the 1. The efficency is slightly better but it’s hard to feel any difference unless you use line like Kill Bill or Diablo.  It’s a little expensiver than the first version because it has an official label. This doesn’t do anything for the users. Getting a label costs a little more, so this is the reason why it’s more expensive. We do not recommend to buy a new Hangover 2 if you already own the first.

However the version 2 can comes with a screw. This is an extra safety for those who are worried about safety. But it’s not only that. Here is what Samuel had to say :

“Hooking into the line while falling happens from time to time when you have the hangover clipped in to the front. Happened to me 2 or 3 times already. In future when using at shows, then I will take a screw-version. Clipping into the line is potentially dangerous when you have the hangover clipped to the side of the harness as shock-load can occur on your body. This was the main reason for us to produce a screw-version.

Screw-version does not fit through a linegrip. That is one of the reasons why we developed the soft-rigging-plate. so you can connect 2 hangovers with the linegrip without having the size problem”

The price is outrageous : 49,95€ for a carabiner !

Nevertheless it’s the best webbing pulley in the market so far : easy to clip, easy to use on the tyrolien, easy to use when you work on the tension… So if you don’t have any, you should get one.

It’s here :

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Alexander Shultz and the 610m longline record

We posted photos, but here comes the video ! A true mission was necessary to etablish this record. It’s not a problem of distance anymore, it’s more logistic that can block a record. You need the webbing and the spot. Digging your own spot for a record…. what would be the next record ?

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New EQB Prolock

eqb product

EQB decided to reinvent his gears. The new Prolock is a true marvel. It’s futuristic with a unique design in own piece of alu entirely machined in every angle. What a change !

120 grammes with 12 kN strength is more than correct. It also hollows soft shackle. What else Mister Clooney ?

Coming soon on !


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New Soft rig plate Slacktivity

The latest Slacktivity product is out : the Soft Rig Plate.

soft rig plate


it’s a soft rigging plate. It’s a new concept since it was only in metal before.

The best part : it’s light -> 42 grammes . It also fits easily in any bag. If you like light product, this one is for you. To get an idea, the closest product in the market is the Petzl PAW S which weight  55 grammes. There isn’t a big gap between them, but when you save weight on each of your belongings that you carry, then it can make a 1kg different. It’s worth it when you carry you pack in the mountain or in the plane.

It’s also really cheap compared to an alu plate : only 14,95 € . The PAW petzl costs 20€. This means it’s only 0,35 cents per gramme : soft or alu are worth the same.

The weakness is the strentgth : only 6Kn WLL. Usuallyalu plate between 36Kn and 45 KN WLL. It’s a big gap. The other question is how long this product can be used. Since it’s soft you will damage it faster than a metal connector. In the other hand if you drop it on a rock, it won’t be broken such as an alu connector.

This Soft rig plate from Slackivity is awesome for those who like light product and not too much tension. An excellent idea from the R&D Slacktivity team !

Available here  :


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the Samuel Volery, the 537m and the lightning

Samuel Volery set up a highline to break the world record this summer but a lightning broke the line. Unreal !A must watch

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New free solo highline record by Spencer Seabrooke 64m

No anyone can do a free solo especially when it’s 64m on a true highline. Spencer Seabrooke is one of those human being that like to break the limit and he did manage to walk a 64M highline with no leash in Squamish this summer !

Love it or hate it : it’s scary to watch for sure.

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