Un printemps avec Jed !

Vous connaissez surement déjà Jediah, l’anglais fou furieux qui fait partie des meilleurs highlineurs du monde, il a récemment intégré la PRO-team Balance Community et vient de sortir une video! Il nous en dit un peu plus :

« Hey Chocoslack,

Two months of spring hurtled passed me amidst a whire of slacklife as categorised by: gear talk, spending time with good friends, new rigging concepts, sessioning longlining and smilining/bouncelining and waterlining and highlining, meeting new people, establishing new lines and living in my van. Parts of southern Germany and Switzerland are featured in this film. I learned a lot along the way and am so stoked on the direction that slacklining seems to be going. Rad-sag-swag is my favourite kind of awesome.

So sit back, crack open that bar of chocolate you’ve been saving and I hope you enjoy some documentation of my most recent adventures!

Love »


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